Mar 1, 2023

Escrow Made Easy with LiquidTrust

Escrow Made Easy with LiquidTrust

LiquidTrust uses holding accounts to securely lock your funds away until you receive the service or good promised.
LiquidTrust uses holding accounts to securely lock your funds away until you receive the service or good promised.
LiquidTrust uses holding accounts to securely lock your funds away until you receive the service or good promised.

If you are a C-Level executive with a Wharton degree, the concept of escrow may seem obvious, but as a YouTuber with an audience of 10 million subscribers, or an Etsy creator taking your small business to the next level on your own website for the first time, escrow may be something worth learning about in greater detail.

The idea of escrow isn’t new, but traditional escrows aren’t typically used in everyday business transactions because they often involve third party agents and document checkers that make the process too expensive and onerous for small business entrepreneurs.

The basic idea is simple enough: a buyer makes the full payment for the products and services they are acquiring but the money is held in an independent bank account. Once the money is set aside in escrow neither the buyer nor the seller can access those funds until both parties agree the project is complete.

So, if a buyer wants you to send them 400 chocolate covered strawberries in time for the holidays, and doesn’t want to send you the money before they receive them, there’s a lot of security for them in being able to send that money through an escrow-like holding account with LiquidTrust.

Likewise, you don’t want to start hand-dipping hundreds of strawberries only to find out that the buyer is backing out of the deal when you’ve already got 281 of them done! That's why so many businesses are putting their trust in LiquidTrust. By having the buyer send the full amount before you pluck your first husk, your are able to keep the money secure until you send the full shipment and get the funds released to you!

But… What Happens If There Is A Dispute?

Prior to any money being sent, the buyer and seller will agree to the terms of their deal. If at any point a dispute arises, LiquidTrust will refer you to arbitration as defined in the terms both parties agree to when as part of the escrow setup process. Once an agreement is reached by the parties or issued by the impartial arbitrator the funds are immediately released to their rightful owner.

LiquidTrust has simplified the traditional process so financial institutions can now offer escrow-like protection without any extra paperwork, and entrepreneurs can earn more without the constant risk of non-payment. This simple, affordable, everyday payment method protects everyone involved – the buyer, the seller and financial institutions from fraud and loss, so you can worry less while you do more and earn more!